mercoledì 26 febbraio 2014

ℬlack ℋistory ℳonth ☮

Month history of blacks is an anniversary celebrated in the United States and Canada in May ,  and in the UK in October,  to celebrate the importance of people and events in the history of the African diaspora . Black History Month originated in 1926, founded by Carter G Woodson as Negro History Week. The month of February was selected in deference to Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln who were both born in that month.

Carter G Woodson

 Carter G Woodson was born in New Canton, Virginia on December 19, 1875.
Carter G Woodson founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History in 1915 to train Black historians and to collect, preserve, and publish documents on Black life and Black people. He also founded the Journal of Negro History (1916), Associated Publishers (1922), and the Negro Bulletin (1937). Woodson spent his life working to educate all people about the vast contributions made by Black men and women throughout history. Mr. Woodson died on April 3, 1950 and Black History Month is his legacy.

Negro history week (1926) 

The history of the American Negro was also taught in public schools. The first Negro History was received and obtained the collaboration of several departments of education in the USA. Woodsoon believed that the teaching of the history of Africans was essential to ensure the survival of the race within a company:

« If a race has no history, it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated. The American Indian left no continuous record. He did not appreciate the value of tradition; and where is he today? The Hebrew keenly appreciated the value of tradition, as is attested by the Bible itself. In spite of worldwide persecution, therefore, he is a great factor in our civilization. »

« Se una razza non ha una storia, non ha delle tradizioni utili, essa diventa un fattore insignificante nel pensiero del mondo, e si trova in pericolo di essere sterminata. Il nativo americano non lasciò alcuna traccia. Egli non apprezzava il valore della tradizione; e dov'è oggi? Gli ebrei apprezzarono avidamente il valore della tradizione, com'è attestato dalla stessa Bibbia. A dispetto di una persecuzione a livello mondiale, dunque, esso è un grande fattore nella nostra civiltà. »

The negro history week grew during the following decades, and some U.S. mayors began to treat it as a feast.

lunedì 24 febbraio 2014

Presidents'Day ツ

The Presidents' Day is a celebration of the United States created to commemorate the birthday of George Washington and celebrated on the third Monday in February. Since 1968, this festival also honors over George Washington Abraham Lincoln. Initially during this festival, shops and commercial businesses remained closed, while currently remain open. Public ceremonies vary from place to place, and often have very ancient origins. 
In Alexandria, Virginia, they last for a whole month, and include one of the largest parades in the nation. With this celebration the United States honoring the man who has been called since his death the Father of the Nation, in addition, Washington having been the general of the Continental Army, the anniversary provides an additional opportunity in addition to Memorial Day, the Veterans Day to honor veterans of the nation. Since 1932 are assigned to soldiers wounded in battle, the decorations of the Purple Heart.

mercoledì 19 febbraio 2014

Pancake day ☺

Pancake day also know as " SHROVE TUESDAY" In Britain . Pancake day is the day before "ASH WEDNESDAY" and the start of Lent . It is called Pancake day because it is the day traditionally for eating pancakes . Lent is a time of abstinence . Pancakes are eaten on this day because they contain fat , butter and eggs which were forbidden during Lent .

Carnival ♛

CARNIVAL is a festival that is celebrated in the traditionally  Catholic countries ; the element that characterizes the Carnival is the use of masks. The last day of the Carnival is "SHROVE TUESDAY", before fasting , to commemorate the 40 days of Jesus in the deserts. From the standpoint of historical and religious , the Carnival was a symbolic renewal through fashion shows and events . Carnival cames from the latin " carne levare" or " remove the meat" . This festival is celebrated all over  the world since ancient times . There are also traditional foods that characterize the Carnival , especially the Desserts : danuts , chocolate cakes and " Chiacchiere " , a typical sweet from Italy . 

mercoledì 5 febbraio 2014

