lunedì 1 dicembre 2014
lunedì 24 novembre 2014
Art is one of the most creative forms of human expression. The art over the years is changed and in fact there are various forms of art. Some artists like David Foster and Marcus Levine through their passion for art have developed a new form of art inspired by the " Pointillism". They use nails to create their sculptures . Davids's work depict the Beatles , Marilyn Monroe , the Queen Elizabeth or some animals , while Marcus' works represent the human body. Marcus's work are exposed in the gallery of London .
- I think that modern art is very beautiful and original . The techniques are simple but creative . The artistics works are very expressive, even if they are cold and superficial.
A Chinese folk tale told by David Heathfield
There once was a farmer who had two sons. The eldest son was selfish and greedy, while the younger son was kind and generous. When the farmer died, the eldest son took all the wealth of his father, while his younger brother with a basket and a knife to cut firewood and sell it to buy food. So one day the poor boy went into the woods and while sitting on a rock encountered a bird. This bird took him up on his back and took him to an island where there was always sunshine and lots of gold. The boy took a piece of gold, took it home, and so did his brother decided to take the gold island. When he went into the forest the bird took him on the island, but the greedy guy stole all the gold. The story ends with the death of the boy, sunburned.
Adapted from : THE GUARDIAN..
In Scotland delinquent children under 16 could be tagged with electronic devices to keep them off, for see their moves . They don't put in prison the children because there is a overcrowding in prisons . This is an rehabilitation to the young offenders .
Adapted from : THE SUNDAY TIMES..
In Mississippi the guilty of have to carry a sign , to stand in the street . American judges are agree to public shaming , In Arkansas shaplifters have to carry a sign with their crimes . In Philadelphia a butcher have to put on the newspaper their crimes . In Texas a man who beathis wife have to confess his apology in public . Supporters say that the public humiliation addition to casting less creates a pawerful deterrent .
Adapted from : NEWSWEEK..
The courts should pay more attention to the victism of crime . Some American criminologists want to have prisoner working to pay reparation of their crime . Inj Britain shoplifters have to talk to the owners , where they have steal , to have a eye contact and understand their mistakes .
Adapted from : THE SUNDAY TIMES..
Among young teenagers is very diffused a problem of discipline at home . In the USA and Brintain the punishment is to send this delinquent to so-called " boot camps " . These institution are modelled on military centers . The idea is to give young offenders a " shock " and to give them discipline.For young criminals the punishments are tougher .
lunedì 10 novembre 2014
ℙollution ☢
Pollution is a change in the environment . It creates damage to the environment and population . There are many types of pollution : of air , of water, and of land . Man harms the "Earth System" with gases that create the "Greenhouse effect " that raises the temperature , the "Melting ice" , the "global warming" , and causing many weather events ; hurricanes , floods etc... All of these came from the toxic substances we put into the environment. The pollution also causes damage to health . Currently there are equipment ( wind and solar ) that protect the environment . This phenomenon is present in large industrial cities , like China . The environmentalists want to reduce pollution , because according to some research in the future many cities will become deserts for the meteorological phenomena.

venerdì 30 maggio 2014
mercoledì 30 aprile 2014
Talent show
A talent show is an event where participants perform talents of singing, dancing, acrobatics, acting, drumming, martial arts, playing an instrument, or other activities to showcase skills, sometimes for a reward, trophy or prize. Many talent shows are performances rather than contests, but some are actual contests, awarding prizes to their participants.
In recent times, talent shows have become a notable genre of reality television, such as Idol, Got Talent and The X Factor, which were critical in catapulting some amateur artists to stardom, and commercially successful careers.The talent show is a TV show to discover their talents, and artists are subject to the judgment of the judges and pubblico.I talent show are very popular all over the world.
In 2007 he was sent to the talent show Britain's Got Talent, created by Simon Cowell, attended by amateur artists of any age who perform in different disciplines from singing to dance, from comedy to drama. The program achieved great success in the UK and this is exported to other countries, including Italy and Australia.
ℬritain's got talent ♪
Amira Willighagen is a Dutch girl of 9 years, who has had international fame by taking part in Britain's Got Talent with the work of Gianni Schicchi "O Mio Babbino Caro." His performance has been appreciated all over the world, and in fact has already recorded his first album in England. Amira contributes to the construction of playgrounds for poor children, with a portion of proceeds from sales.
Personal opinion: The performance of Amira impressed me a lot because having only 9 years old, able to move with her voice and her talent many people. This requires a big commitment, especially when it comes to Italian operas.
mercoledì 9 aprile 2014
George Clooney
George Clooney is an actor, director and film producer. In 1978 he became famous starring in several television series. Clooney is also noted for his social activism, since 2008 is one of the Messengers of Peace of the United Nations, and in addition he is also a fundraiser for the victims of the Haiti earthquake. He currently resides in Los Angeles, California, but has bought several homes in Italy, on Lake Como. After several relationships with different women, the actor has announced that he will not marry more, and that is why it is very much appreciated.
lunedì 7 aprile 2014
St.Ⓖeorge's day
St. George is the patron saint of England. Every country in the UK has its own patron saint who in times of great peril is called upon to help save the country from its enemies .St George was a brave Roman soldier who protested against the Romans' torture of Christians and died for his beliefs. The popularity of St George in England stems from the time of the early Crusades. St George was a Roman soldier who protested against the Romans' torture of Christians and died for his beliefs. St George is always depicted as a knight carrying a shield with a red cross generally sitting upon a horse and always killing a dragon probably because, in the past killed a dragon . This event is celebrated on April 23rd .
mercoledì 2 aprile 2014
Paul Mc.Cartney
This article is about Paul Mc.Cartney . He is a legendary figure . He had a big successfull fot the "BEATLES". Now he is considered the most successfull musician and composer in pop music history. He was burn in Liverpool on June 1942 . When he was 14 , his mother , Mary, died of cancer , and so he would later immortalise her in the song " Let it be" , a song very famous and popular . He was tied to John Lennon , when he was young . For these experiences , beautiful and ugly , he decided to create a new album , where are his memories : " MEMORY ALMOST FULL". Now he is 65 years old , and he doesn't want to retirement plans .
lunedì 24 marzo 2014
Irish Culture
Ireland , a long time ago , was a country primitive and rural . Economic development and territorial expansion occurred with the rise of the Normans and the British. The Republic of Ireland is Catholic , but there are also other religious minorities. The official languages are English and Irish.
Ireland is a country rich in monuments, galleries and museums, and there are many festivals and cultural events (st patrick's day , Brigid 's day , etc. .. ) . In Ireland the festival is celebrated HALLOWEEN with some importance. On this day the children , transvestites, go door to door asking food and coins. Very important are the mythological stories of the Irish " green goblins " that tell fantastic stories for children. Ireland despite being a small island, has made a great contribution in the literature , especially in English.
The Irish food culture also consists of a number of beers that are produced and consumed on the island. Regard to food , Irish cuisine is expressed in three genres : traditional, simple dishes common and modern cuisine. In the kitchen is very important is the use of potato: The Colcannon and Champ , traditional Irish potato . The Irish love to go out with friends, attending bars and pubs, and consume alcoholic beverages. The sport is very common, particularly Gaelic football , rugby and hockey. With international competition , a team representing the entire island.
The Celtic knots are a variety of knots and graphic representations used for decoration. They may be more nodes, intertwined. The plots therefore represent and symbolize the life cycle of existence and they are used as talismans of protection against negativity . There are so many knots, which symbolize different things.

The triskele is a mythological figure of a being with three legs, it is a symbol of Britain and in fact coincides with the clover symbol of ireland. This representation shows the solar phases (noon-sunset-sunrise) and temporal (past-present-future). furthermore, the number 3 is the perfect number for excellence, as it indicates different cultures throughout the world.
martedì 18 marzo 2014
St. Patrick's Day ♧
St. Patrick's Day is a celebration of Christian origin which is celebrated on March 17 in honor of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. This feast is often celebrated during the period of Lent. It is celebrated in almost all over the world: in the UK, the U.S., New Zealand, Australia, and also in Italy. The most famous festivals are celebrated in cities and countries that are home to a strong Irish. Celebrations are generally everything that has to do with Ireland and green. A very important symbol is the shamrock, in fact every year the waters of the Chicago River is dyed green..jpg)

mercoledì 5 marzo 2014
The article of ℋenry ℳoore

mercoledì 26 febbraio 2014
ℬlack ℋistory ℳonth ☮

Carter G Woodson

Carter G Woodson was born in New Canton, Virginia on December 19, 1875.
Carter G Woodson founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History in 1915 to train Black historians and to collect, preserve, and publish documents on Black life and Black people. He also founded the Journal of Negro History (1916), Associated Publishers (1922), and the Negro Bulletin (1937). Woodson spent his life working to educate all people about the vast contributions made by Black men and women throughout history. Mr. Woodson died on April 3, 1950 and Black History Month is his legacy.
The history of the American Negro was also taught in public schools. The first Negro History was received and obtained the collaboration of several departments of education in the USA. Woodsoon believed that the teaching of the history of Africans was essential to ensure the survival of the race within a company:

« If a race has no history, it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated. The American Indian left no continuous record. He did not appreciate the value of tradition; and where is he today? The Hebrew keenly appreciated the value of tradition, as is attested by the Bible itself. In spite of worldwide persecution, therefore, he is a great factor in our civilization. » | « Se una razza non ha una storia, non ha delle tradizioni utili, essa diventa un fattore insignificante nel pensiero del mondo, e si trova in pericolo di essere sterminata. Il nativo americano non lasciò alcuna traccia. Egli non apprezzava il valore della tradizione; e dov'è oggi? Gli ebrei apprezzarono avidamente il valore della tradizione, com'è attestato dalla stessa Bibbia. A dispetto di una persecuzione a livello mondiale, dunque, esso è un grande fattore nella nostra civiltà. » |
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