Irish Culture
Ireland , a long time ago , was a country primitive and rural . Economic development and territorial expansion occurred with the rise of the Normans and the British. The Republic of Ireland is Catholic , but there are also other religious minorities. The official languages are English and Irish.
Ireland is a country rich in monuments, galleries and museums, and there are many festivals and cultural events (st patrick's day , Brigid 's day , etc. .. ) . In Ireland the festival is celebrated HALLOWEEN with some importance. On this day the children , transvestites, go door to door asking food and coins. Very important are the mythological stories of the Irish " green goblins " that tell fantastic stories for children. Ireland despite being a small island, has made a great contribution in the literature , especially in English.
The Irish food culture also consists of a number of beers that are produced and consumed on the island. Regard to food , Irish cuisine is expressed in three genres : traditional, simple dishes common and modern cuisine. In the kitchen is very important is the use of potato: The Colcannon and Champ , traditional Irish potato . The Irish love to go out with friends, attending bars and pubs, and consume alcoholic beverages. The sport is very common, particularly Gaelic football , rugby and hockey. With international competition , a team representing the entire island.

The Celtic knots are a variety of knots and graphic representations used for decoration. They may be more nodes, intertwined. The plots therefore represent and symbolize the life cycle of existence and they are used as talismans of protection against negativity . There are so many knots, which symbolize different things.

The triskele is a mythological figure of a being with three legs, it is a symbol of Britain and in fact coincides with the clover symbol of ireland. This representation shows the solar phases (noon-sunset-sunrise) and temporal (past-present-future). furthermore, the number 3 is the perfect number for excellence, as it indicates different cultures throughout the world.
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